Number: 004, Date: 2024-01-29

2024.01.22 ~ 2024.01.28

🛣️ Summary of Korean-related terms to know in the map domain service

When working on address or map-related services, there are various terms such as road name address, administrative district, and legal district. I thought it would be good to organize them again.

Address System

Addresses are mainly divided into two forms, each with different structures and use cases.

  1. Lot number address: City/Province + County/District + Town/Township/District + Lot number
  1. Road name address: City/Province + County/District + Road name + Building number + Detailed address

Technical Terms Related to Address

  1. Geocoding: A technology that converts text-form addresses (lot number address or road name address) into latitude and longitude coordinates
  1. Reverse Geocoding: A technology that receives latitude and longitude coordinates and returns the corresponding lot number address or road name address

Other Terms Related to Map Services

  1. Entrance point: The main entrance coordinates of a building or facility
  1. Center point: The central coordinates of a specific area (building, zone, etc.)

🙋🏻‍♂️ Other Notes

  1. I tried using App Distribution, one of the services provided by Firebase. Since iOS has TestFlight, I thought about when it would be good to use it and concluded that it would be useful when you don’t have an Apple paid membership.