Number: 007, Date: 2024-02-19

2024.02.13 ~ 2024.02.18

πŸ”₯ Firebase Realtime Database vs Firestore

I compared two representative services for data storage in Firebase: Firebase Realtime Database and Firestore.

In summary, when comparing Firebase Realtime Database with Firestore, it is recommended to use Firestore for most aspects, including speed, management, and cost, as advised by the Firebase team.

To use Firestore and FirebaseStoreSwift, you need to install the library version 10 or higher. When adding Firebase using CocoaPods, you should search for the library in the Cocoa Pod search bar, check the dependencies key in the CocoaPods Spec, remove unnecessary installations, and customize based on versions. This is because Firebase products have complex dependencies.

I found it easy to understand the database structure when I thought of a folder containing files as a Collection and the files themselves as Documents.

πŸ›« CI/CD + Mac Initial Setup

After resetting my MacBook, I installed all the necessary programs, including Homebrew, CocoaPods, Git LFS, Git, SourceTree, and Xcode.

When accessing a private repository on Bitbucket, if you haven’t registered the SSH Key on all the computers accessing it, using HTTPS is more convenient than SSH. This is because you only need to enter the app password when accessing the private repository.

While working on the Slack Slash command, the runner must be kept active to run the Bitbucket pipeline. Since the Flask app is running on PythonAnywhere, I applied the app password securely after checking the .env usage.

πŸ—ΊοΈ API Call Tips

  1. Unify error message displays when calling the same API.
  2. Reduce API calls as much as possible if it can be implemented, since networking is the heaviest operation in mobile apps.
  3. Regularly check API documentation and keep updates current.

πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Other Notes

  1. If the app does not have in-app purchases or is not a paid app, there is no need to change the App Store - Taxes and Contracts.