Number: 014, Date: 2024-04-08

2024.04.01 ~ 2024.04.07

📱 UITabBar, UITabBarController

As I started my side project, I looked into various ways to use UITabBar for structuring the home screen.

1️⃣ The first method I explored was how to hide the UITabBar. There are several ways to achieve this, but I opted to manage it in one place.

Previously, I would either set tabbar.isHidden when the viewWillAppear of the screen to be hidden was called, adjust the tabbar.frame, or use the property hidesBottomBarWhenPushed when pushing a new screen. However, having to check this every time a new screen is added can be confusing. By managing it in one place, it simplifies collaboration and reduces confusion, which I found beneficial.

2️⃣ Secondly, I handled animations when transitioning screens upon selecting a TabBar item. While the animation styles can vary, the handling methods are generally similar. In the method tabBarController(_:animationControllerForTransitionFrom:to:) of the UITabBarControllerDelegate, you return an animator object that adopts the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol to apply the animation.

I implemented and compared two styles: slide format and zoom in/out format.

3️⃣ Lastly, I switched to a CustomTabBar. When modifying the default TabBar, there are limitations regarding animation handling and frame adjustments. Therefore, I used a UIStackView to replace the default TabBar. Each TabItem was implemented as a UIView, and I introduced RxGesture to apply tap events.

💬 Firebase_Learn_Project Chat Functionality Implementation

I implemented a chat feature using FirebaseAuth and FireStore. This project considers scenarios where multiple users can use the same chat room. I implemented this in the Firebase_Learn_Project.

The FireStore DB structure distinguishes each user by Uid using FirebaseAuth and matches them to chat rooms.

The chat-related code follows an MVVM structure.

I was unable to find a solution for displaying a loading indicator on the first screen when not showing the last chat history in FireStore.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Other Notes

  1. For my side project, I looked for APIs related to animation lists and found that the MyAnimeList API is quite popular. There’s also the Jikan API, which is a copy of the MyAnimeList API. I plan to use Jikan during development and switch to MyAnimeList upon completion. To compare the two, I created separate workspaces in Postman for organization.
  2. When using the Naver Map iOS SDK, the NMFMapViewCameraDelegate method is called when the NaverMapView loads on the initial screen. If you want to prevent this method from being called initially, you can use RxGesture to skip all NMFMapViewCameraDelegate method events until the view receives a gesture, then handle it from there.
  3. I wrote a post on Tistory about Xcode Preview.