Number: 019, Date: 2024-05-13

2024.05.08 ~ 2024.05.12

🚨 Appstore Connect Notification

I suddenly received a push notification from AppStore Connect stating that the progress status of [app version] has changed to ‘Invalid Binary.’

When this error occurs, AppStore Connect sends an email explaining the reason, which can be referred to for further information.

Upon checking the email, I found the error message ITMS-90013: Corrupt Image File - The image file 'AppIcon60x60@2x.png' appears to be corrupt. It indicated that there was an issue with the app icon file, but since I hadn’t made any changes, I discovered it was a temporary error on Apple’s side that resolved itself after some time.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Other Notes

  1. To implement a tooltip that is fixed above the tab bar, set the layout on the main view of the UITabBarController. This way, the tooltip remains visible even as tabs change.
  2. When using Fastlane, running iTerm2 under Rosetta causes errors with the #Preview macro.
  3. I explored Tuist and used the mise tool to manage versions. I created a basic project and cloned public projects for versions 3 and 4 to test the build process.