Number: 051, Date: 2024-12-31

2024.12.23 ~ 2024.12.31

🇰🇷 Regarding Korean Line Breaking

When displaying multiple lines in a UILabel, you can adjust how text is laid out when it overflows the container area by configuring the lineBreakMode property.

Examining the NSLineBreakMode enum type reveals various options, but there was an issue where Korean text was not breaking properly.

In such cases, you can configure the lineBreakStrategy property to control how line breaks are applied within paragraphs.

The default value is standard, but among the options, using hangulWordPriority—which adjusts separation between Korean characters—can resolve the issue.

🚨 Unable to process request - PLA Update available Error

While deploying a new version using fastlane, an “Unable to process request - PLA Update available” error occurred, preventing the distribution.

Upon closer inspection, I found that it required logging into the App Store account and agreeing to the license terms.

The PDF explaining the terms was incredibly long, but to summarize, it outlined Apple’s requirements for using its services and the restrictions for violations.

After agreeing to the terms, the error was resolved.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Other Notes

  1. Recently, CursorAI—a code editor enhanced with AI—was trending, but a new code editor called Windsurf has been released. I found it slightly more convenient in understanding existing files.
  2. I completed the Dart lectures from CodeFactory. As expected, modern programming languages share many similarities.
  3. I deployed a side project app using AppDistribution. It was convenient for testing without purchasing an Apple Developer Membership.
  4. I plan to start organizing content from the KavSoft channel one by one starting next year.